The folks at Union Grove Farm have decided to throw a book signing party to celebrate the publication of my latest book, Time and Poetry, a collection of verse and short prose written over the past 60 years.

And you are certainly invited. It will be Sunday, November 17, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, at the Center for Regenerative Agriculture, right there on the farm, located at 3501 Dairyland Road in Hillsborough.
It was Meredith’s idea, and I was flattered. Nobody ever did that for me before.
There will be some light refreshments, including plenty of famous Blue Heeler Coffee. Perhaps there will even be an actual Blue Heeler or two hanging around, I don’t know. Blue Heelers are dogs, in case you didn’t read my last column.
If you ask nicely, I’ll read some stuff from the book, and you can ask any questions you may have. And of course, if you bring your copy of Time and Poetry, I’ll autograph it for you, right there on the spot. If you haven’t bought the book yet, you probably still have time. It’s on Amazon, or you can order direct from the publisher, and I’ll also have a quantity on hand, so you can buy a copy at the event, while they last.
As a special treat, Greg Bohlen, owner of Union Grove Farm, will be on hand. Greg and I co-authored the novel The Sugar Rat, and the non-fiction work Common Men. We’ll have a stack of those books on hand too, and if you buy one, we’ll both sign it. What a deal! And, wait, there’s more. I’ll bring some copies of my novel Earth and Water and even sign one or more of them for you.
But you’re probably thinking: why can’t I get a tour of the farm while I’m there? Not to worry, inquisitive mind. You can, but you have to be at the event right at 2:00. A special free tour has been arranged just for attendees at the signing. You’ll meet our sheep, our 100,000 red wiggler worms and learn all about our fabulous seedless, thin-skinned, super-healthy Muscadine grapes that are what the place is all about. And you’ll get back to the center in plenty of time to participate in the signing festivities.
If you have any questions, just email me at [email protected]. If I know the answer, I’ll give it to you. You don’t have to RSVP, although you can if you want to.