Fixing Things

When it comes to handyman stuff, mark me down as poor to medium. Maybe about the fortieth percentile. I mean, I can rewire a lamp, do simple carpentry – as long as it doesn’t involve power tools, blow leaves and paint anything I can reach. I used to be able to clean gutters, but old… Continue reading Fixing Things

Christmas on the Farm

Well, it’s Christmastime here at Union Grove Farm, and here at the Little House by the Vineyard, the spirit of the season is being enjoyed by one and all. Of course, one is all there is here at the Little House, but that one – me – certainly is just bursting with holiday cheer. I’ve… Continue reading Christmas on the Farm

Water, water

Ever since old Noah checked the weather report on his cellphone and saw there was a 100% chance of rain for the next 40 days and nights, mankind has had this love/hate relationship with water. Here in North Carolina this year, it’s been mostly hate, We have had devastating floods that have brought tragedy to… Continue reading Water, water

Join Me for My Book Signing

The folks at Union Grove Farm have decided to throw a book signing party to celebrate the publication of my latest book, Time and Poetry, a collection of verse and short prose written over the past 60 years.  And you are certainly invited. It will be Sunday, November 17, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, at… Continue reading Join Me for My Book Signing

Kidnapped !? Me?

There I was, standing by the side of the road, minding my own business with my thumb in the air when a car pulls up and this blonde orders me to get in. So I do. I don’t know if she’s a guardian angel or a kidnapper, but I figure I’ll chance it. She says… Continue reading Kidnapped !? Me?

The French Connection


The French are a strange people. A few weeks ago they all trooped to the polls and voted to turn their government over to the most right-wing group in the country. But in this strange land, you have to win twice to take office, and when they voted the second time, only a week later,… Continue reading The French Connection

Young Greg


The first thing you have to remember about Greg Bohlen is that he is the baby of the family, born twenty years after his oldest brother, Bob, and a full ten years after Chris, his other brother. His two sisters, Ginny and Susan, were born between Bob and Chris. So Greg was not only the… Continue reading Young Greg

The Cabin


I made history one cold March dark last week by becoming the first person to survive a night spent in The Cabin.  This ranks right up there with my being the only person in history to have walked out of a supermarket having bought just two items, a jicama root and a box of Fudgesicles.… Continue reading The Cabin

Rescue Flag


My house, the semi-famous Little House by the Vineyard, is, overall, a great delight to me. No one is ever going to accuse it of having good bones, but it is pleasantly laid out, with a large kitchen, new paint, all my furniture in place and the walls covered with my modest treasures, which is… Continue reading Rescue Flag

Arts and Farmers


Katie Murray’s office sits behind the loading dock of an old mill on the Eno River, in the back on the lower level. To get there, you have to bump down a steep, rough incline. You also have to make sure you don’t turn in six feet too soon or you’ll wind up in the… Continue reading Arts and Farmers